A thumb pick can give you more speed, a better tone and a better timing. However, many players have a hard time getting used to it. This lesson teaches you how to tame the thumb pick and make it your best friend.
Lessons for Beginners - With Eltjo Haselhoff
Introduction (FREE)
What is Fingerstyle Guitar?
Lesson 1(FREE)
Two chords and alternating bassnotes
Lesson 2 (FREE)
Fingerstyle principles & exercises
Lesson 3
The first song & palm muting
Lesson 4
Groove & speed
Lesson 5
Advanced Techniques I
Lesson 6
Advanced Techniques II
Lesson 7
The correct learning mentality
Tuning your guitar
How to tune your guitar
The Thumbpick
Learn to play with a thumbick
How does tablature work?
Guitar setup
How to make sure your guitar is correctly set up for fingerstyle
A thumb pick can give you more speed, a better tone and a better timing. However, many players have a hard time getting used to it. This lesson teaches you how to tame the thumb pick and make it your best friend.